Europa Distribution celebrates the fourth edition of its Green Distribution Lab

By Saulė Savanevičiūtė On 9 January 2025, Europa Distribution kicked off the year with the fourth edition of its Green Distribution Lab, an online session dedicated to learning, sharing and brainstorming sustainable practices in film distribution. During this three-hour, online event, participants explored the realities of the film industry’s carbon footprint and ways of integrating sustainability into…

Europa Distribution organises the third edition of the online Green Distribution Lab

By Sarah Quinless On the 4th of June 2024, Europa Distribution held the third edition of its online Green Distribution Lab. The session, aiming to help further green the distribution sector, gathered more than 20 distributors for a 3-hour long online brainstorming session. The lab used the previous editions and the evolutive ‘Green Toolbox’ created…

Europa Distribution — Green Distribution Workshop 2023

By Jesús Silva Vilas Upholding its commitment to support the greening of the distribution sector, and the sustainability of the film industry as a whole, Europa Distribution held the second edition of its Green Distribution Workshop this year. On 20 June, more than 20 distributors joined the event, a 3-hour long online round table and…

How to make European distribution greener and more sustainable?

By Davide Abbatescianni   During the first Green Distribution Workshop organised by Europa Distribution, the participants contributed to the creation of a toolbox of good practices to make business strategies, office work and travel arrangements more environmentally friendly.   On 7 April, Europa Distribution has organised its first Green Distribution Workshop. The event, held online,…