This year, Europa Distribution was present in Karlovy Vary for an open panel organised in cooperation with Karlovy Vary IFF and the LUX Prize of European Parliament.
It took place on Monday 07/07/2014, from 10:00 to 12:00 at Barrandov Studios’ Villa (Becher´s Villa), Krále Jiřího 9.
« Supporting ‘fragile’ films – a realistic dream ? »
Arthouse films and niche films are often labelled as “fragile”. They tend to address a specific segment of spectators and sometimes struggle to reach it. Identifying good examples, efficient processes and innovative ideas to support these films and their releases may enlarge their audience and make them travel across Europe.
This year Karlovy Vary’s panel on distribution will gather experts from all horizons (producer, film fund, festival, distributor, sales agent and cinema representative) who would seek together to develop lines of thought on this problematic.